Digital Exhibitions


MEPs in the hemicycle during the election of the President

The Hemicycle: European Democracy at Work

Discover the story of the plenary sessions of the European Parliament, from its inception in 1952 to its historic development through direct elections and the growth of the EU. Focusing on plenary highlights, from Members’ speeches to inspiring visits to Parliament, we tell Parliament’s story through the people who shaped the European Union from within the hemicycle.

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The story of European Parliament elections

Shaping Europe: the story of European Parliament elections

Between 6–9 June 2024, millions of Europeans will participate in shaping the future of European democracy on the occasion of the European elections. It is a unique moment when we can all collectively decide on the future of the European Union. Learn about the history of these elections here.

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70 Years exhibition, Strasbourg 2023

The European Parliament: 70 years of European democracy in action

In 70 years, the European Parliament has become a true institution embracing European democracy and the expression of European public opinion. It is now the only directly elected, multilingual, multi-party transnational parliament in the world. This exhibition traces the history of the institution, the role of EU citizens in Parliament's history and milestones in its development..

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Jean Monnet House

The Jean Monnet House: creating a home for Europe

A founding father of the European Union, Jean Monnet dedicated his life to bringing Europeans together. His vision for a united Europe, a vision that would change this continent for ever, was created in his unassuming home on the outskirts of Paris. After witnessing the horrors of the Second World War, it was in this house that Monnet worked to create a strong, unified Europe ensuring war could never again break out between France and Germany, paving the way for the European Union we recognise today- here at Houjarray, the home for Europe.

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Soviet Physicist Andrei Sakharov During his Hunger Strike

The Sakharov Prize, the European Parliament and human rights worldwide

This Prize has established itself over time as a powerful testament to Parliament's commitment to standing up to dictatorships and to safeguarding human rights around the world. Learn about the Prize and its namesake Andrei Sakharov here.

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Louise Weiss: A Committed European

Louise Weiss: a committed European

Louise Weiss (1893-1983) had an extraordinary life: a campaigner, journalist, filmmaker, writer and Parliamentarian, she was a witness to several tumultuous changes in twentieth-century Europe and was one of the European Parliament's first directly elected members. She would leave a lasting mark on the Europe we know today. 

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People at the Berlin Wall in West Berlin (Bernauerstrasse)

Reuniting Germany: The European Parliament and the fall of the Berlin Wall

In the night from 9 to 10 November 1989, the Berlin Wall opened and a momentous page was being turned in Europe's history. Learn about the role of the European Parliament in supporting German reunification, democratisation and respect for human rights.

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Meeting of European Parliament and Council Presidents

Defending citizens’ freedoms: The history of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

In June 1999, representatives of fifteen Member States decided to codify the rights of European citizens to demonstrate their overriding importance and relevance to citizens. Learn about the creation of this seminal document here. 

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Clappier, Schuman and Monnet Sitting Outside

70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration

On 9 May 1950 Robert Schuman issued a declaration which marked the beginning of the process of building the European Community. He intended to establish a new common coal and steel market between France and Germany, also open to other European countries, that became the European Coal and Steel Community, or ECSC. It was a declaration that would change Europe. 

Explore the exhibition here